Hello Autumn!

The transition from summer to autumn is a great time to reassess and reset a few good and bad habits. Autumn is a great time to bolster your health before the onset of winter. School’s gone back, and this time of year has always indicated to me a fresh start. I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. I always prefer this change of season as a visual reminder. The leaves are changing colour and shedding. What can you do to reflect about what’s working or what isn’t in your own life?

I’ll be listing some tips and tricks that have worked for me over the next few weeks to help you with that transition.


Sunlight and Light

Get your dose of daylight. As the days get shorter it’s harder to find the time to get some sunlight and that can really take a toll on keeping positive. If you aren’t able to schedule in much, perhaps consider 20 minutes of your lunchbreak in the sun. I find that can reenergise me and and does me the world of good.

Can you position your desk by a window so you can expose yourself to as much sunlight as the Northern Hemisphere wants to offer us?


Recipe idea

Have you heard of fire cider tonic? Until recently neither had I. You can use it as a cordial or lengthen it with some sparkling water and ice.


Image Source: Riverford


Visit the link below for a wonderful cider tonic recipe from Riverford.


In health,




Leaning in to the seasonal change

