Leaning in to the seasonal change


It certainly feels like Autumn. A lot more rain and shorter darker days. I’m pleased to bring my Pilates teaching schedule into early mornings to allow you to start the day right.  Here are some other tips for the Autumn days.

Get the right clothes for outdoors. One of the first places I worked was an outdoor bootcamp and our motto was there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes and a bad attitude. Now I’m not suggesting you have a bad attitutude to Autumn but some of my best memories from those teaching days was actually facing the elements and getting outside in the rain. I don’t recommend it to everyone. It took a lot of additional time afterwards to hang up my entire outfit to dry! I want to remind you not to be scared of the rain. “You’re not made of sugar” as my parents used to tell me. Get some good clothes to get outside. If you’re sitting here reading this inside with a warm jumper and a mug of tea thinking - not me! The other suggestion I have is a walking pad. Great to get your step count in when you can’t brave the great outdoors. I’ve seen lots on sale second hand..

Pilates! You don’t need me to tell you. A tried and tested way to decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression and to help boost feel good endorphins is to exercise. It’s a great stress buster. We now have three classes a week.

Social wellness. Plans with friends or family can equal a healthier happier mind. Perhaps pop a few dates in that work for everyone so you don’t have to commit until nearer the time. Be spontaneous. I hate having a commitment on a wet, cold dark day when we could have just waited until a bright Saturday afternoon instead. Interestingly I was at the doctor’s this week and he mentioned that social activity can even be good for your gut microbiome!



Taken from my outdoor fitness teaching days..


Recipe idea

I love soup season. The cabbages are well and truly in my veg box deliveries - January King Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Curly Kale and Cavolo Nero! I could keep going. Here’s one of my go to soup recipes.


Image Source: Nutrition Facts


Visit the link below for the wonderful soup recipe from the aptly named cookbook ‘How Not To Diet’.


In health,




Hello Autumn!